Selama hampir dua ratus tahun sekarang, Legiun Asing Prancis telah menarik petualang dari seluruh dunia. Salah satunya adalah Claude Boulet, Paris 26 tahun, dibesarkan dalam harmoni dengan aturan jalan sulit. Legiun adalah tempat ia menemukan tempatnya, dan membawanya langsung ke savana Afrika neraka.
Sebuah revolusi terinspirasi oleh Afrika Revolusioner Grup meletus di Pantai Gading. Pasukan pemerintah FdSc, dan pasukan Eropa mendukung mereka, kewalahan oleh serangan mendadak. Akibatnya musuh memiliki sebuah gudang senjata mengesankan. Lebih buruk lagi adalah kenyataan bahwa para pemberontak telah mengambil alih transportasi limbah radioaktif dalam perjalanan dari pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir. Mereka sekarang memiliki cukup bahan untuk membuat beberapa "bom kotor" yang bisa mengancam negara-negara Eropa.
Risiko serangan nuklir telah memaksa masyarakat internasional untuk campur tangan segera. Perancis telah bereaksi tercepat dengan mentransfer setengah brigade elit-13 dari Djibouti ke Pantai Gading.
Di antara beberapa ratus laki-laki adalah Senior Kopral Claude Boulet. Berdasarkan uji karakter dia telah ditunjuk untuk memimpin operasi yang paling sulit perang. Pernah, dalam mimpinya yang paling gelap, tidak Claude mengharapkan masalah ia mendapati dirinya masuk Mulai sekarang dia akan selalu mengasosiasikan Pantai Gading dengan jalan perang ia harus melangkah dalam pembelaan terhadap kebebasan dan demokrasi.
For almost two hundred years now, the French Foreign Legion has attracted adventurers from all over the world. One of them is Claude Boulet, a 26 year-old Parisian, brought up in harmony with tough street rules. The Legion was where he found his place, and it led him straight to the hellish African savanna.
A revolution inspired by the African Revolutionary Group erupted in Ivory Coast. The FDSC government forces, and the European troops supporting them, were overwhelmed by a surprise attack. As a result the enemy possesses an impressive armory. Even worse is the fact that the rebels have taken over a transport of radioactive waste on its way from nuclear power plants. They now have enough material to create several "dirty bombs" that could threaten European countries.
A revolution inspired by the African Revolutionary Group erupted in Ivory Coast. The FDSC government forces, and the European troops supporting them, were overwhelmed by a surprise attack. As a result the enemy possesses an impressive armory. Even worse is the fact that the rebels have taken over a transport of radioactive waste on its way from nuclear power plants. They now have enough material to create several "dirty bombs" that could threaten European countries.
The risk of nuclear attack has forced the international community to intervene immediately. France has reacted the fastest by transferring the elite 13th half-brigade from Djibouti to Ivory Coast.
Among the several hundred men is Senior Corporal Claude Boulet. Based on tests of character he has been appointed to lead the most difficult operation of the war. Never, in his darkest dreams, did Claude expect the trouble he found himself in. From now on he will always associate Côte d'Ivoire with the war path he had to tread in the defense of freedom and democracy.
Among the several hundred men is Senior Corporal Claude Boulet. Based on tests of character he has been appointed to lead the most difficult operation of the war. Never, in his darkest dreams, did Claude expect the trouble he found himself in. From now on he will always associate Côte d'Ivoire with the war path he had to tread in the defense of freedom and democracy.
Screenshoots :
developer: CITY interactive
publisher: CITY interactive
genre: action / FPS
platform: PC / Windows
release date: World: 23 February 2007
game language: English
age requirements: 16+
System Requirement :
Pentium III 1.6 GHz,
512 MB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 3 or better),
Windows ME/2000/XP.
cara install :
1.extract file rar hasil download
2.mount image code of honor.bin pake daemon tools
3. Install (klik 2x setup file)
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